Shopping Centers & Retail Stores

Shopping Centers & Retail Stores

The top priorities in retail security are providing a safe working and shopping environment and reducing shrinkage through pilferage and shoplifting. As shoplifters and dishonest employees have become increasingly savvy, it has become more challenging than ever to establish effective retail loss prevention strategies.

When you trust your shopping center or retail store security needs to Advanced Perimeter Security, we work with you to understand your unique needs, vulnerabilities, and expectations. We work in cooperation with your asset protection associates to help develop specialized loss prevention programs that help you identify the source of your losses, minimize your exposure to those factors, and identify suspected perpetrators. In addition to our licensed agents and technology, we may deploy secret shoppers to directly observe employee behaviours.

Our agents are screened for excellent communication and interpersonal skills and are trained in conflict resolution. We offer multilingual and CPR/AED certified officers as required. All of our agents are taught proper protocol for a wide variety of emergency situations including fire, severe weather, power outage, lock down situations and acts of terrorism, making our programs among the most complete shopping center and retail store security strategies available.

Advanced Perimeter Security Strives to offer the latest in security technology to help us meet the needs of our shopping center and retail store clients. In addition to a wide variety of surveillance equipment which can be monitored 24/7 on your premises or remotely, our latest advancement utilizes proprietary facial recognition software which allows retail establishments to screen against a data base of known felons, shoplifters and banned individuals, immediately alerting the appropriate personnel to their presence.

At Advanced Perimeter Security, we keep your security plan relevant and effective by staying current on local security trends, threats, and crime seasons. We participate in professional associations such as ASIS International, which allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of security risks that retailers face during the course of business so we can deliver effective retail security services nationwide.