Gated Communities

Gated Communities

Homeowners choose gated communities for the privacy and security that they provide. Staffing your gate with professional, competent and reliable security agents experienced in gated community security is a must. Advanced Perimeter Security takes pride in our ability to provide customized solutions based on the specific needs and goals of your community.

The perfect solution demands strategy, technology, and personnel that are perfectly suited to your gated community's culture. Yet, we live in a world that is constantly changing. There may be a shift in the surrounding neighborhood, crime rates or your community covenants. Advanced Perimeter Security is committed to building long term relationships with our clients, so we help you to monitor trends that would impact the security of your community and have the flexibility to modify our plans to stay abreast of your needs. Advanced Perimeter Security provides a wide range of quality security services for gated communities which includes the following, and more:

  • Access Control Program
  • Package Control System
  • Neighborhood Patrol and Property Checks
  • Customized Vehicular Community Patrols
  • TrackTik Guard Management System
  • Video Recording of Incidents
  • Remote Video Monitoring
  • License Plate Recognition Software
  • Concierge Services
  • Elder Checks
  • Vacation Checks
  • Parking Enforcement
  • Neighborhood/Property Checks

Gated Community Services Package

If you are interested in learning more about how Advanced Perimeter Security's "Gated Community Services" can provide your community with exceptional service, please contact us" and we will be more than happy to schedule a visit to your community to answer all your questions.

Advanced Perimeter Security understands that gated communities require the most skilled personnel to create a safe environment for their residents, safeguard property and provide fast emergency response without undue restrictions or inconveniences. The high level of public interaction requires security agents who are proficient in communication and interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to work seamlessly with cutting edge security technology, enabling them to provide excellent customer service. Hiring a security company that provides anything less can prove to be a costly error. Let Advanced Perimeter Security, custom-design security solutions that integrate manpower and technology and are ideally suited to protect the residents and property in your unique gated community.